Belated MERRY CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR Greetings to you all in the name of our Risen Lord and Saviour. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you on behalf of the Minister and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, the Education Provider (EP), Waimapuru NSS Board of Trustees and the School administration to begin the Waimapuru NSS 2025 academic year. We are pleased indeed to have you as a member of the school student body this year 2025.
On the same note, I wish to offer words of CONGRATULATIONS for your placement at WAIMAPURU NATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL. A lot of students who have chosen Waimapuru NSS could not make it. You are therefore counted as very privileged to have been selected to the school. Your hard work and commitment towards studies and your preparations for National examinations in 2024 is highly commented. The school is expecting to see the same level of commitment and determination applied diligently in your studies and work at the school this year 2025 and beyond.
The sheet contained information that are important for new students’ knowledge and understanding prior to start of the 2025 academic calendar. Please read through carefully and contact the following personals should you need further clarity on the information contained herein
School Principal – 7975320
Deputy Principal – 7483822
Manager School Services – 28803
Waimapuru National Secondary School is located on the island of Makira, some 10 kilometres west of Kirakira the Provincial Centre of Makira Ulawa Province. The school is one of only two state owned National Secondary Schools in the country and is administered under the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD) as the Education Provider (EP) through the School Services Division.
Waimapuru NSS was started in 1985 making this year its 41st year of continuous operation. Since its inception there has never been any major renovation to the schools’ infrastructures hence most if not all of the buildings are just as old as the school itself.
However, as the saying goes “do not judge the book by its cover”. Waimapuru NSS over the years had contributed enormously to the socio-economic development of the country. A good number of the country’s senior civil servants, contractors, private entrepreneurs, Politicians, academics and athletes have had their education there. The school will continue to stand steadfast to its school motto “TRAIN A YOUTH, BUILD A NATION”.
The official School Academic calendar is as follows. Term 1 begins on Monday 20th January and ends Friday 28th of March. Term 2 begins on Monday 7th of April to Friday 13th June. Term 3 begins on Monday 14th July and ends on Friday 19th September and Term 4 begins on Monday the 22nd of September and ends on Friday 5th December 2025. All students are expected to be at the school campus before the beginning of each term.
The following are the approved fees for 2025
Form | Total Fees (Boarding + Tuition) | Semester 1 70% | Semester 2 Fees |
1 | $1,800 | $1260 | $540 |
2 | $1,800 | $1260 + 2024 arrears | $540 |
3 | $1,800 | $1260 + 2024 arrears | $540 |
4 | $2,800 | $1,960 | $840 |
5 | $2,800 | $1,960 + 2024 arears | $840 |
6 | $3,500 | $2,450 | $1,050 |
7 | $4,000 | $2,800 | $1,200 |
- First Semester fees of 70% MUST be paid during registration
- The balance to be settled prior to start of Semester Two and not later than 19th September
- All fees are exclusive of examination fees. Exam fees for Exam Classes are pending MEHRD decision. If charged, all exam fees are paid directly to MEHRD and/or MOFT
All students MUST bring the following School requirements with them
- School Uniforms (2 pairs). Can be obtained at various shops in Honiara and Kirakira
- Eating utensils (Plate, Cup, Spoon, drinking water container)
- Bush knife, Broom
- Laundry Bucket
- Toothpaste and toothbrush
- Beddings (mats/mattress, pillows, bed sheets etc.)
- Mosquito nets
- Torch lights and batteries
- Extra clothing
- Pocket money
NB: School requirements will be checked at the school. Students without any of the above requirements will be sent out to procure them.
Further note for easy and smooth transition for Boarding school life and learning, students MUST have
- Clean and neat haircuts, no long and bushy hairs
- No fancy haircuts, braided/plaited, dyed/tinted hairs
- No betelnut stains on the teeth
- No hand bungles, head scarf and hoods
- No MP3, portable speakers, mobile phones (approved students only) and other electrical appliances.
- Neat and tidy appearance
As an educational institution and a National Secondary School, students are expected to demonstrate a high level of school discipline. All school organized programs such as classes, work sessions, afternoon and evening preps, and church services are compulsory to the expectations of the school will be dealt with accordingly in line with the school disciplinary rules and procedures.
Consumption of alcohol, smoking marijuana, stealing, and indulging in sexual related activities are regarded as serious breaches of the school rules and disciplinary procedures and therefore students are straightaway expelled if they are proved guilty of committing such offences.
All new students of the school will be inducted and supplied with a copy of the school rules upon enrolment and arrival at the school. Copies will also be posted on school noticeboards.
Further note, as per school requirements above, mobile phones and speakers are prohibited items. Students are encouraged to surrender them to the office of the Deputy Principal for safe keeping on arrival. Any unauthorized students found in possession of these items during the semester will be disciplined accordingly. Senior students (F7 and possibly F6) with laptops and phones must register it with the office of the Deputy Principal and School Tutor.
It is mandatory that students wear school uniforms to classes, school official assemblies, church services, during approved exits and other formal assemblies. Students are advised to at least have two pairs of uniforms prior to coming to school. During other times students are to wear decent clothing. Students without Uniforms into the second week of the Semester will be send out to procure them. It is advisable to pen your names on the inner side of your Uniforms to avoid confusion.
The school operates a canteen where students can purchase toiletries, writing materials and consumable items. Whole sale shops are also accessible to students at Kirakira, Pakera and nearby villages.
Other information will be made known to you on arrival at School and during new student induction/orientation program.
Thank you
School Administration